Sunday, March 28, 2010

Things people take for granted...

When I was sick, I grew extremely jealous of the little things in life. When I could not walk yet, and was forced to go to the mall in the wheel chair, I thought to myself, "Why can't I do the easy task of walking back and forth to the stores." I felt this way only for a short time, but in reality, people with severe illnesses feel as I did all the time. One of my aunts suffers from MS and is now restrained to her wheel chair at all times. I related to her when I too could not walk and it was very difficult. As I began to improve and was finally able to walk again, my aunt unfortunately grew jealous, because as I was improving, she was doing the opposite. It is very upsetting, but I guess that's just life. Here is a list of things that people normally take for granted, never thinking twice about:

1.)Walking around the house
2.)Sitting up in a chair by yourself
3.)Climbing a set of stairs
4.)Feeding yourself a meal
5.)Bathing yourself
6.)Dressing yourself
7.)Going shopping with friends
9.)Being able to go outside
10.)Using the restrooms normally
11.)Cooking meals for yourself or others
12.)Jumping up and down

All these activities, and many more, seem so simple until you yourself cannot perform these simple tasks. The next time you take a step, or get dressed, or even climb a set of stairs, please be thankful you have the ability!

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