Sunday, February 28, 2010

Nothing but good news!

After being able to start eating regular food, my recovery ski-rocketed. I was improving at a fast pace now. I was on so many medications and in one day was taken off four of them. My dctor was so pleased with the way I was progressing, that he found it unecessary to be on those four medications. Instead of being fed my pills, now I was able to swallow them. It's funny, but for some reason, I was happy that I could swallow pills again. Unfortunately, the doctors allowed me to eat candy bars again. Yes, unfortunately. The unfortunate part was that my taste buds didn't like the taste od chocolate anymore. Yes, very disappointing. The best news shortly arrived after. I was finally allowed to take day trips home on the weekend! After those long weeks, I was finally able to be in my home again. To be able to leave though, I had to wear something like a harness in my seat, for safety purposes. I felt like a little kid in a baby-seat. But if it was allowing me to go home, it was well worth it! I had shortened days of therapy on Saturdays and none on Sundays, so Sundays were my full days at home. My dad would sign me out as soon as possible, and we'd pick up McDonalds pancakes for breakfast. The only bad thing about my day trips, were that I was not allowed to sleep at home. I had a curfew at the hospital to be back at 9 PM. If I slept at home, our insurance company would think that I didn't need coverage anymore and would stoppaying. It made me extremely upset, and many nights I cried to my parents, begging them to let me stay home. They persuaded me that it was for my benefit that I go back, and they were right.

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